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19-21. Restraint spans, residue-by-residue and model-by-model violations

These parameter cover the three plots:-

The 19 parameters are as follows:-

19-21. Restraint spans, residue-by-residue and model-by-model violations
Y     <- Include all short-range restraints (as defined above) (Y/N)?
Y     <-    "     "  medium-range     "      "     "      "    (Y/N)?
Y     <-    "     "  long-range       "      "     "      "    (Y/N)?
Y     <- Include NOE distance restraints (Y/N)?
Y     <- Include H-bond distance restraints (Y/N)?
Y     <- Include disulphide distance restraints (Y/N)?
Y     <- Background shading on main graphs (Y/N)?
Y     <- Show shading representing estimated accessibility (Y/N)?
N     <- Produce a COLOUR PostScript file (Y/N)?
WHITE        <- Background colour
CREAM        <- Background shading on main graphs
BLUE         <- Minimum accessibility colour (buried regions)
WHITE        <- Maximum accessibility colour
YELLOW       <- Colour for favourable G-factor scores
RED          <- Colour for unfavourable G-factor scores
YELLOW       <- Colour for schematic of the secondary structure
YELLOW       <- Colour for accessibility dials
CYAN         <- Colour for histograms of restraints per residue
RED          <- Colour for restraint violations

Description of options:-

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