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4-9. Dihedral angle frequency distributions

The Dihedral angle frequency distribution plots cover the following dihedral angle distributions:-

The 14 parameters are as follows:-

4-9. Dihedral angle frequency distributions
Y     <- Plot histograms, rather than show successive values (Y/N)?
0.0   <- Circ. var. cut-off (residues with lower values not plotted)
Y     <- Background shading (Y/N)?
N     <- Produce a COLOUR PostScript file (Y/N)?
WHITE        <- Background colour of page
CREAM        <- Background colour on graphs
CYAN         <- Shading of region representing dihedral angle restraints
YELLOW       <- Colour for favourable G-factor scores
RED          <- Colour for unfavourable G-factor scores
YELLOW       <- Colour for accessibility & circular variance dials
N     <- Omit circular variance value and dial (Y/N)?
N     <- Omit G-factor value and shaded square (Y/N)?
N     <- Omit accessibility symbol (Y/N)?
N     <- Splay model-numbering on the 2D plots (Y/N)?

Description of options:-

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