The file 'SmotifCOMPSuperfamilyNetwork.txt' contains the data used to generate the SmotifCOMP-based, non-hierarchical representation of the SCOP Superfamily universe. Each line in the file corresponds to a SCOP (v1.75) Superfamily node in the network. The first field contains the Superfamily followed by a colon (:). The following fields contain the connected Superfamilies and corresponding SmotifCOMP Z-score separated by a comma. The connected Superfamilies are separated by a whitespace. Ex: The following line states that Superfamily d.38.1 is connected to Superfamily d.107.1 (Zscore=3.0696), d.38.1 (Zscore=4.8244), d.326.1 (Zscore=3.2259), e.43.1 (Zscore=4.0733), d.21.1 (Zscore=3.1514) and b.56.1 (Zscore=3.0741). # example line d.38.1: d.107.1,3.0696 d.38.1,4.8244 d.326.1,3.2259 e.43.1,4.0733 d.21.1,3.1514 b.56.1,3.0741 # example line